Thursday, April 15, 2010


Who is the World Bank?
The World Bank's groups mission is to redce poverty and encourage economic growth and thereby contibuting to the achievements of the Millenium Devolopement Goals.The group includes IBRD,IFC,IDA and MIGA.

Why is it important to collect data from 73 countries?
It is important to collect data from 73 countries because it is available and out of these 73 countries,53 represent more than 80 percent of the world's population and despairity in the world now.

What is poverty?
Poverty is the state of being poor like not having food water and shelter.

What is the difference between poverty and extreme poverty?
Poverty is a state where one cannot meet basic needs for food,water,shelter,sanitation,education and health care.To determine the affected population,the World bank defines poverty as living than USD $1.25 per day.While Extreme poverty is in above deficiences,man feels powerless in terms of his defending rightful ownership of physical things,diginity,honor the state is called extreme poverty.

What is a poverty trap?
Poverty trap is a situation where you remain in poverty constantly you cannot save anything ,keep bare survival only and that too while doing work everyday,no escape from toiling work.

How does the world bank define poverty?
The World Bank defines poverty as not having enough income to meet basic human needs for adequate food,water,shelter,clothing,sanitation,health care or education.

How many people live under the poverty line in the world?
1.4 billion people live under the poverty line in the world.

How are the numbers showing improvemet in the situation over the last twenty years?
Twenty six years ago,out of every 10 people,four were in poverty .Today out of four,one is in poverty,Also twenty years ago,1.9 billion were in poverty;today only 1.4 billion people are in poverty.

Can you suggest some things/organizations that could be helping the situation and explain why there is an improvement?
Many international organizations are engaged in fighting poverty suchas UN Developement Programme (UNDP),UN world food programme (WFP).Private organizations such as CARE,OXFAM,Red Cross and Mercy International and many global entities are fighting global poverty.They provide funds,volunteers,bring special planes and truck loads in times of famine and drought to help relieve hunger and poverty of the people.

Write a short snapshot of a time when you witnessed poverty.Where,when,why?How did it make you feel?Be as descriptive as possible.
Yes Isaw extreme poverty when I went with my parents to a native village in Pakistan.I saw poor ladies doing household work from morning till evening,non stop.They earned less than a US$ a day,their children had no food,medical care or schooling,they only survived by whattheir mother earned on a daily basis to gain small bread.

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